Internet Disclaimer – Please note that although we do everything we can to check content that we direct pupils towards, we are not able to monitor how such sites may change including any sub content or linked content. It is your responsibility as parent or carer to monitor your children’s internet access. Should you need any additional support regarding this, please see the resources our federation with Catshill Middle School have made available on “Keep Safe On The Internet”.
Please click here to access ideas for learning at home and websites to access.
Education Websites and Apps to Use at Home
BBC New Learning Resources to Support Covid-19
We have been directed by the DfE to steer pupils & families to the unique resources being produced by educational establishments, famous people and the BBC.
The BBC are hosting a huge bank of resources between the BBC iPlayer red button service and BBC Bitesize, please look at both on a daily basis.
Access will be available through your TV and online.
This is a Department for Education funded resource for parents & pupils across the UK.
Click the schedule and pick your year group. Follow the daily lesson structure, it will vary each day, try the pre-quiz, teacher video and summary quiz, having some paper and a pen will be important. The Department for Education have steered all schools in the UK to this excellent resource which they have funded. These resources can be used on phones, tablets, laptops or a PC.
For Key Stage 2, please also make use of the Knowledge Organisers which can be found under the curriculum tab. Here you will find essential information regarding your child’s learning based on their topic.
Click here for Online Activities and Events
Click here for information about The Summer Reading Challenge 2020